Thou shalt rise again when thine hast fallen: Even if you’re walking through life wearing Louboutin’s, you’re still gonna trip and fall once in awhile. There will always be ups and downs, and highs and lows – everyone experiences both sides of the coin. You may lose your balance, feel like a failure and be harder on yourself than the actual fall. But success isn’t measured by how many times you fall, it’s about how many times you get back up again. You are a success every day that you decide to get up and #face yourself. Think of all of the missteps that made you work harder, stand taller, fight stronger, and last longer. If you’re still here, if you’re still trying, you haven’t failed. Don’t be afraid of falling or you’ll never learn how to fly.
Thou shalt not be afraid to laugh at thyself and to learn from thine mistakes: Life is too short to be constantly reapplying your #mascara! Feel free to cry, but most situations aren’t worth your tears, so lighten up on yourself and laugh a little. Heck, laugh a lot! It’s contagious – the good kind! The next time something unpleasant or stressful happens ask yourself, “how will this affect me in one week? One month? One year?” The obstacles you #face will usually seem bigger in the present moment than they actually are. Something as insignificant as burning dinner or a date not returning your call, or even something more significant like a breakup or being passed over for a job, may feel like the end of the #world now, but will be trivial in the future. Finding humour during a dark #time can be the flashlight that guides you through to where the real light shines. And don’t be afraid to ask for help when you’re in a dark place – or even if you’re in a light but confused place! People need people to guide and inspire them. I love surrounding myself with great, talented #people because I love being motivated by their presence and learning from them. Always keep your #eyes and ears open. Learn from your mistakes and try again, and if that doesn’t work try another way. There’s always another way.
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