Celebrity Instagram pictures that broke the internet – Just look to Instagram to see who the most talked about people are. Instagram is like the new Access Hollywood. Only it’s even more Access Hollywood than Access Hollywood.
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Because now, you can see what the stars are doing around the clock. And you can see much more than stars running away from cameras, with their faces cloaked in Gucci sweaters terrified of the spotlight. Celebrities today love the camera. They love it so much, they’re willing to show you everything. You can see little moments you would have never gotten to see before, like Taylor Swift lounging in front of a barbecue grill or Kylie Jenner posted up with her high school diploma. It’s all out there people! All you need to do is click the follow button.
So in all honesty, there’s a whole world of celebrity dreamland available for the masses to see. Some pictures stood out more than others. Some pictures were so great I had to put together a list for you. Each picture has its own story. And that’s the great thing about pictures – they speak a thousand words. Each picture, except for the first, has anywhere from 1.5 to over 2.5 million likes. And that’s not counting all the people who didn’t click the “<3,” but liked the picture anyway.
So when you do the math, the top pictures on this list receive a new view every second, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Here are 11 Celebrity Instagram Pictures That Broke The Internet.
10. Lady Gaga V Magazine
In 2013, pop star Lady Gaga posed naked for V Magazine. Dutch photographers Van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin first posted the picture, which was an outtake from their cover shoot with Lady Gaga. On Instagram the caption read, “Get ready world for our pics of @ladygaga for @vmagazine !kisses iv #artpop.” A week before, “Burqa,” a new Lady Gaga song, showed up on the Internet.
Around the same time, Lady Gaga announced her ARTPOP album would hit stores soon. A post on her Facebook page read, “The album ARTPOP musically mirrors Gaga’s creative process as she passes through the medium of each artist she collaborates with, scoring a blueprint on her journey. The result, a ‘rage’ of electronic passion and fury, defining each artistic process from beginning to end, ARTPOP could mean anything.” The album debuted at number one on the U.S. Billboard 200 with first week sales hitting 258,000 copies.
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