Unattractive celebs with beautiful children: Not all celebrities are beautiful and with perfectly symmetrical faces! Some of them truly have beautifully symmetrical faces, but others… Let’s say they owe everything to their charisma. And we are not saying that they are less valuable than their pretty colleagues!
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It’s just how it is. However, new generations are here to prove us wrong. That’s why some of these celebs have surprisingly beautiful kids! And even though we never expected such beauty, these kids are really a gift to this planet. Take a look at this list we made to show you how unattractive celebs can have really beautiful children!

1. We have to be honest here. We love Hova very much, but he’s no model. We don’t even think he had any pretensions to be one. On the other hand Bey is one of the most beautiful women ever. So for Blue Ivy to turn as cute as she is, there were 50/50 chances. Fortunately, she definitely looks like her mom and not so much like Jay. We can say that Bule Ivy is one of the cutes little girls we ever saw. And luckiest!
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