Stupid things guys do to impress girls: Impressing Women: There’s an art to it. Ever since Adam bit the apple for Eve, guys have been doing dumb things to impress the fairer sex. We’ve all been there. It’s a position every man will find himself in at one point in his life.
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So desperate are you to impress a certain woman that you start acting way out of your comfort zone and make a complete idiot of yourself while you are at it.
Here is AskMen’s Top 10: Stupid Things Guys Do To Impress Girls.
Drinking too much

Who knows why it is that some blokes feel inclined to drinklike they invented it whenever they’re trying to impress a new girl. Sure, the added confidence may let you get away with some lines your weaker self may have shied away from, but there’s a balance.
Generally, the ballast to that balance is the point in which you’re in the bathroom screaming at the porcelain. OK, you’ve gone too far. Remember, all the good work your confidence spike gave you early in the night will be shattered by the image of you covered in vomit with a security guard under each arm.
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