Nude beaches: Are you getting ready for your last beach blowout of the weekend this upcoming Labor Day? So excited you’re already packing? Suntan lotion. Check. Sunglasses. Check. Umbrella. Check. Beach blanket check. Cooler with beer and other necessary provisions. Check. Bathing suit? You’re not going to need that where you’re going!
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South Beach, Virginia Beach, South Padre Island, and Malibu may be great places for many, but they don’t offer what you need – nude sunbathing and/or swimming. Besides, who wants to deal with the insane crowds and traffic. You not only seek to “get away from it all,” you want to “take it all off.”
While you may think this requires dusting off your passport and wondering if three days is enough for a jaunt on a European riviera or the Brazilian coast, many opportunities to beach bathe in the nude exist in the United States. And not just in Florida, the nudist resort capital of the country, due to its hefty older population and um, warm weather.
Nudist beaches dot the United States on many of its coasts and some points in between. Find out 10 great locations in 10 different states where your whole body can have some fun in the sun! With this list, you can settle back into the September grind of work and school well rested, relaxed, and without the burden of tan lines.
10. UFO Beach – South Padre Island, Texas
Even though we listed South Padre as an area to avoid over Labor Day weekend, if you are dragged with a group over to that beach mecca, maybe you could slip off for a nude respite on one of the stranger places on the list. Why is it called UFO Beach? A now greatly-decorated emergency evacuation vehicle/pod that drifted ashore after a storm in 2010 bears an uncanny resemblance to a flying saucer. And if you really want to see a UFO at its nudest, try Spring Break.
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