Reason 2
Leads to unrealistic expectation from sex Says VP SARATHI, chief legal advisor
When young couples, who’ve been married for less than a year, approach us, we convince them to seek relationship counselling. That’s the protocol, but it’s a sham. Most counsellors are activists without training in psychiatry. And if the problem on hand has to do with undue reliance on pornography, the challenge is tougher. They have unrealistic expectations from their partner, and their sex life. When reality doesn’t match expectations, frustration creeps in.
Sonali says: Pornography gives birth to unrealistic needs. And while it’s common for two people to have a different tastes and inhibitions surrounding sexual intimacy, undue reliance on external stimuli creates a problem. Among young couples, it’s not uncommon for sex to be mechanical in the first year. It takes a while to be at ease.Not raising the issue in an honest chat complicates matters. Who will take the ini tiative, in this case, be comes a power strug gle. There’s no oth er way to deal with this issue but talk. Or better still, involve a qualified expert.
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