2. Michael Moore
Michael Moore makes riveting documentaries about improving the world, but in reality he needs more than a little help with improving his health. Born in the Midwest, he claims that back in his hometown he is a “normal weight” which he agrees is problematic. At 6’0 and over 300 pounds after a recent weight loss, Moore is still considered obese. He credits poor eating habits and a love of soda for causing him to initially pack on the pounds and become unhealthily overweight. In previous attempts to lose weight, he said that he shot himself in the foot by trying not to eat at all and then bingeing. He also claims that diet soda may not have any calories in it but is so packed with sodium that it hinders people’s weight loss. After a stint at a $4,500 per week luxury health spa, he has managed to lose over 70 pounds which helps him out, but still leaves him in a dangerously unhealthy weight category.
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