7. The Untitled Jurassic World Sequel
When Jurassic World was announced, there was a mixture of excitement and apprehension. Sure, it was the fourth movie in a massive franchise and the first instalment in said franchise for fourteen years, but the franchise had also gone terribly downhill since the first Jurassic Park movie in 1993. However, it proved to be a runaway success, becoming 2015’s highest-grossing movie to dare, earning $1.637 billion at the box office from its $150 million budget. It currently sits as the third highest-grossing movie of all time.
It’s no surprise, therefore, that sequels are planned. Although no title has yet been given to it, a fifth movie in the franchise is scheduled for June of 2018 and a sixth is expected to follow it. Fans of the franchise can’t wait for the fifth movie’s release and it is set to be different to all of the others, as the bulk of it will not be set on an island.
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