14. Michael Phelps
Via salon.com
Michael Phelps is a super-successful Olympic gold-medal-winning swimmer. Wow, that is quite an impressive resume. With a huge arm span and feet that look more like they should belong to an aquatic mammal, it makes sense that Michael was always full of energy. The Olympian was diagnosed with ADHD at a young age. Even so, he has managed to keep his eye on the prize and he won a whopping eight gold medals at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. Sure, it takes a lot of hard work, discipline, and motivation. It also helps to have a solid support system, which Michael definitely has in his mother.
13. Britney Spears
Via huffpost.com
If we look back at the past few years, it seemed as though Britney Spears and mental illness perfectly went hand-in-hand. She attacked a car with an umbrella and shaved off all of her hair. Yet it makes sense considering that she was a teen pop idol at such a young age. With all of the people surrounding her and primping her hair, of course she would want to cut it all off! Yet she was also diagnosed with personality disorder, perhaps due to trying to balance her normal life with the Britney Spears that the public knows and adores. It is a lot to take in and it can be so tough to fit yourself into that mold. We’re rooting for you Britney!
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