18. Scott Hall’s Weight Fluctuates Due to Bad Habits
Via dailyviralstuff.com
Wrestling fans may remember a time when Scott Hall was in the NWO and had a ripped bod. However, it seems as though his demons outside of the ring began to take their toll. Rumors of extreme alcoholism and drug use seem to have plagued Hall for a majority of his career, and most likely led to his demise within the organization. In fact, in 2015, he was escorted from an event because he had too much to drink. It seems as though too much alcohol and not enough commitment to wrestling and hitting the gym completely transformed Hall’s body. He seems to be in much better shape today.
17. Jake the Snake Was Completely Unrecognizable
Via chinlock.com
Fans who have followed wrestling for many years remember Jake the Snake Roberts as one of the greatest wrestlers of his time. While Roberts didn’t have a chiseled body during his prime, he was in great physical shape when he (and his bevy of snakes) stepped into the ring to face an opponent. However, after leaving the WWE, Roberts quit hitting the gym and became extremely overweight and almost unrecognizable to fans. A man who once made headlines for his wrestling skills was now making the news for his weight gain, as well as for antics like getting drunk in public and showing the crowd a private body part. Luckily, Roberts got more control of his weight by starting yoga, something performed by both Diamond Dallas Page and Scott Hall.
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