14. Sean O’Haire Lost His Physique After WWE
Via betweentheropes.com
Only hardcore fans may remember Sean O’Haire, a wrestler who was only in the WWE organization for about 3 years. He left the company because he wanted to fight, and he didn’t like acting along with the storylines that WWE writers created for him. During his career with the WWE, it has been said that he was sent to rehab numerous times. He continued to wrestle in independent circuits after leaving the WWE, but he never quite achieved the level of success that other wrestlers see. Sadly, O’Haire took his own life back in 2014. It has been speculated that years of taking a pounding in the ring led to brain damage that caused him to commit suicide.
13. Goldust’s Costume Isn’t Very Forgiving
Via youtube.com
Goldust has always been one of the more eccentric wrestlers with a lot of skills in the ring. As the son of Dusty Rhodes, it’s no surprise that Goldust and his brother Stardust have been fixtures in the WWE for years. Fans who have kept up with wrestling throughout the years have seen fluctuations of Goldust’s weight, and in his skintight costumes, every extra pound shows. This isn’t too surprising, since his dad also struggled with his weight throughout the years. While Goldust isn’t as large as some of the current and former WWE wrestlers, it is obvious that as he gets older, he has to work harder to maintain a wrestler’s body.
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