10. The Chang (Elephant) Building – Bangkok, Thailand
via openbuildings.com
No one will ever forget this building when they see it. This high rise in Thailand’s capital does closely resemble an elephant minus the trunk. Yet it is one that seems to be rendered from a cheap 8-Bit arcade game from the 80s. One could almost imagine the poorly conceived beast lumbering up to the part of the building beneath that somewhat apes a podium in jerking, awkward motions. Then, having failed to load any further, it has rested there like a reject from the movie Pixels. Let’s just hope this doesn’t stampede any time soon…
9. St. George’s Wharf, Lambeth – London, UK
via spookwarfare.tumblr.com
Marring London’s South Bank, this veritable cacophony of wing-topped spires and crazy stairways is quite inexplicable. The concentric levels of the towers parody either frozen birds in flight or colossal open books.
As for the curving parts of the building on differing levels, it merely appears to be an insane and inane scrabble into a vague attempt at a building. London has been known to be daring in contentious architecture, yet someone was really onto a double dare with this one.
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