6. Corset Tops
Like crop tops, corset tops are also keepers. While not all women can get away with wearing a crop top, the percentage of women who look amazing in a corset top increases dramatically. The strapping down of a woman’s upper body is quite possibly one of the oldest and longest remaining fashion tricks known to designers across the globe. Somehow, the criss-crossing of straps across a woman’s back or midsection are not only slimming, they’re sexy too and that’s a double win. Slimming and sexy work across the board so corset tops are sticking around in 2016.
5. Long Hair, Ponytails And Braids
For as long as shows like Vikings, Game of Thrones, The Borgia’s and Reign remain on the air, so shall fashionable hair braids and easy ponytails. You “au naturale” ladies who have spent the time growing your locks out aren’t likely to part with them anytime soon so fashion trend setters shouldn’t think of taking them away from you in 2016. Yet be warned, after December of this year, those long swishes of labor intensive fibers on thou’st heads might be on the chopping block. That’s many months down the road, so for now enjoy your long hair and be sure to do something fun with it. Long hair, ponytails and braids remain in 2016.
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