5. Black Mamba
Often considered the world’s deadliest snake, this dangerous creature has been known to be the cause of many human deaths. Unlike other snakes, the Black Mamba’s venom is highly deadly, and poses a threat to any and every human being. It is said that the snake’s venom is so potent, the toxins contained in one bite are enough to kill ten men! That’s enough poison to kill you within a few minutes if you are bitten. Fortunately, an antivenom has been created that allows for a recovery, however, because the toxins are so deadly, the death rate due to these snakes continues to be what it is. Fortunately for us, the Black Mamba has a habit of running as fast as it can away from anything larger than itself. Some people say it can even dart away at speeds of 12 miles per hour. That is a very fast snake, and not a slithering fiend you would want to find hiking along a trail.
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