6. Alexander The Great
Famed for creating one of the largest empires of the ancient world before he was 30, Alexander the Great is still considered to be the most successful military commander of all time. From Greece to as far as India, Alexander was a man on a mission, determined to conquer the world and beyond— no wonder he turned to drink. With legendary tales surrounding his love for alcohol, it is often claimed that Alexander would get so drunk that he would regularly kill his friends during drunken play fights, once stabbing his best friend with a spear. How charming.
As time went on, Alexander became so obsessed with power that he was often subject to extreme bouts of paranoia, killing those that he wrongfully believed had crossed him. Renowned for his many drinking events, Alexander would often force a number of slaves into a battle of who could drink the most, and as many cultures weren’t used to drinking so much wine, many of them died, leaving ol’ Alexander to carry on drinking by himself. With alcohol attributed to his death, Alexander died at 32 years old, having gone down in history as… well, the greatest drunk man that ever lived.
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