10. Jane Toppan
Jane Toppan, also known as Jolly Jane, was a serial killer responsible for 33 murders. Working as a nurse, Toppan would use her patients as test subjects in experiments with atrophine and morphine, allegedly curious to see what the mixture of drugs would do to their nervous systems.
This morbid curiosity quickly evolved into a sick, murderous obsession; Toppan eventually developed a sexual thrill from seeing her drowsy patients toe the line of death, coming back to life temporarily before dying again. By 1902, Toppan had confessed to 31 murders, but was found by the Barnstable County Courthouse to be not guilty by reason of insanity, and was committed in the Taunton Insane Hospital for life.
Regarding her reasoning for murder, Toppan said that her life’s goal was “to have killed more people — helpless people — than any other man or woman who ever lived…” She did not quite get there, but she smeared her dreaded mark on the pages of human history all the same.
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