6. S-500 Air Defense System

Russia has an interesting way of dealing with potential military threats from America, who spends drastically more on their military than Russia does. They find cheap solutions to disable US weapons that are extremely expensive. The perfect example is the S-300 and S-500 missile systems. America has spent billions of dollars on creating new 4th generation aircraft such as the F-35.
Russia could not hope to keep up with America’s spending in this area, so instead they invested in the heavy production of a cheap way to destroy these planes: surface-to-air missile systems. The S-300 is probably the most advanced surface-air-missile system today.
This comes as no surprise, given Russia’s rocket expertise. But now a newer, even more advanced version is entering the battlefield: the S-500. This missile system is so advanced that US defense analysts say that it could potentially shoot down F-35s and even the B-2 stealth bomber
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