3. He is a Consummate Professional
Perhaps the most impressive aspect of Ronaldo’s character is how hard he works every single day. The athlete’s workout routine requires great discipline as he is always at the best shape he can be. His exercises are long and intense, helping to tone his lean and flexible muscles. His workouts vary from day to day, including cardio, sprinting, technical drills, gym resistance sessions, amounting to 3 or 4 hours a day. Beyond that, he also has to train with the team.
For example, his Friday routine consists of three sets of arm deadlifts, three sets of leg deadlifts, three sets of knee tuck jumps, three sets of overhead slams, two sets of one leg barbell squats and three sets of hanging leg raises. Additionally, his diet consists of lean meats, protein shakes, plenty of vegetables split between six small meals a day. And he doesn’t eat sugary food.
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