11. They Detain Minors
It’s no secret that minors have always received some sort of leniency when accused of crimes within the international community. So when Guantanamo Bay became the home of a young boy named Omar Khadr, originally a citizen of Canada, the world took notice. Beneath the watchful eyes of the international populous, the U.S. government detained Khadr even though he was just a minor. Khadr was deemed a prisoner of war; he was captured when the United States invaded Afghanistan in 2002. Khadr, at the time, was shown no special treatment after being injured in a gunfight with United States soldiers. After being detained, the U.S. military shipped him to Guantanamo Bay where he would remain for the next 10 years.
10. Even Obama Couldn’t Shut It Down
It doesn’t take a genius to know that the different parties of our government act like they couldn’t care less about seeing eye to eye on any issue. The same applies when the discussion of what should be done with Guantanamo Bay arises. Animosity within our democracy has been apparent for as long as anyone can remember. Although, it seems worse today than it’s ever been before. Who’s actually in control of the government? Is it Wall St., special interest groups, the rich, or our military? There’s one thing you can be sure of. It’s not our current president. Obama’s attempt at an executive order to close the prison failed. If the commander and chief can’t stop the atrocities that occur in this place, then who can?
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