10. Not networking your way in effectively
Networking is a very important factor in job prospecting. No one is too small to network effectively as everybody knows somebody. You might not it but your ideal job is just three persons from you. When you tell A he will ask B who will convince C to give you a job. It might sound simpler but it is a bit complicated. Talk to everyone- friends, relatives, and neighbors. Tell them or better still demonstrate your skills and urge them to link you up to someone who will desire your skill. Preferably their own employer. Give them your target specific resume. Get them to setup interviews or opportunities where you can pitch to your would be employer.
You have to take advantage of your contacts as within your existing network there are jobs that would be appropriate for you, but the people who could help open doors to those jobs just haven’t thought of you. Even if it has been months since you spoke you don’t even have to come up with any excuse to reestablish contact. Just call and speak to them. Man is naturally inquisitive so ask about their employer organization. Network, network, network. Make it your daily objective to re-establish business and personal relationships that had floundered initially. The Reconnect with people and don’t isolate yourself, especially now when you need all the help you can get to secure a job.
I recommend using LinkedIn to find employees at the company where you’d like to apply. If I want to work in Globacom Nigeria using this approach, I will search for individuals employed by Globacom Nigeria and follow them. When we are linked I can politely enquire about recruitment processes in their company, send him my CV clearly stating my experience and ask him to let me know whenever there are employment exercises especially internal job adverts. Research and subscribe to industry specific blogs or magazines so you are up-to-date on activities in that sector. When the time is perfect you can use this knowledge to demonstrate your motivation and enthusiasm for your target company on your application and at the interview.
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