2. Will Jon Find Out He Is Targaryen (and Dany’s Nephew, And Will That Happen Before or After They Hook Up – EW!)?
We know that Lyanna Stark gave birth to Jon and handed him over to young Ned for his care and protection. We know that Rhaegar Targaryen, Dany’s brother who died at Robert Baratheon’s hand, “kidnapped” Lyanna (according to Robert) and also “left his wife Elia for another woman” (according to Oberyn Martell, Elia’s brother). And we recently learned that the High Septon Maynard performed an annulment for Rhaegar and remarried him in a secret ceremony — thanks, Gilly! So the timing of Dany and Jon getting together will say a lot about their characters and whether they’re OK with the icky incest thing.
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