Pretty Yoruba actress Bukola Adeeyo joined the league of Nollywood mothers as the actress welcomed a bouncing baby girl in the UK. There was speculation swirling about the baby father identity with fingers pointing in the direction of Odunlade Adekola. Odunlade is already happily married with kids and since the news got out, he hasn’t reacted to the news… When contacted, he had this to say.
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“Bukky Adeeye? react ke, what’s my own with it. If you are asking me all those questions you know I won’t answer you, I have been in this entertainment business for over 20 years but if you have any neutral question apart from what is happening on social media negatively, I will answer”.
Adeeyo has come out to outright deny the talk.
‘The intimacy between us is that of a boss and worker and not that of a husband and wife,’ she wrote in a note.
Adeeyo added, ‘The truth of the matter is that he [Odunlade] isn’t the father of my baby. I am not too young to have a baby and I see nothing wrong in not disclosing my husband’s identity.’
Well, the identity of the father is now in the open after he shared these photos below on Instagram.
He captioned it “Welcome back to 9ja, my baby and Oluwadarasinmi golden child.
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