Just like we reported that Will Smith jumped off an helicopter to celebrate his 50th birthday, Rukky Sanda did same too. The beautiful actress, director and producer, Rukky, whose birthday is the 23rd of August, has finally had her birthday wish come to pass.

Though she marked her 34th birthday in August, by celebrating it with friends and family, the actress had one wish of which she planned fulfilling before the end of 2018, and it has finally come to pass.

She always wanted to bungee jump but never had the time or the courage to, but to celebrate a new year of courageous moves in her career, she finally decided to go all out and bungee jump… And she did it with style; at 13,000 ft above ground level!

Captioning the video, she wrote;
This was all i ultimately wanted for my Birthday ds year, oh! And swim with d sharks****
“I wanted to jump out a Plane at 30,000 feet and nobody could tell me shitttt***
“I was jumping* It was all my Soul wanted and we did that at 13,000 feet, and it was d most beautiful feeling i’d ever felt*** I Laughed so hard all d way and looked extra crazy every sec of ds video.
“It was a pure bliss, So beautiful up there*** I was Immensely •H•A•P•P•Y• Never been afraid, just super crazy excited to catch a thrill….
“So Cheers 2 Me & A Happy Birthday To Me Once Again….xx”
Watch the video below:
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