Ways to apologize to your partner – When words can’t convey, let our actions speak. In relationships, we hurt one another. Sometimes we do it on purpose, and sometimes we had no idea that we offended our partner. Once we realize that we inflicted pain on them, whether we intend to or not, the correct thing to do is to say “I’m sorry” and repair the damage.
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But many of us find apologizing extremely difficult, if not impossible. Saying “I’m sorry” is hard. It makes us feel vulnerable and, in general, is a very challenging enterprise.
Before we offer an apology of any kind, we must prepare ourselves for either no response or a wide range of responses from the other person (including negative ones). Depending on the degree or nature of the hurt, it may take your partner awhile to accept your attempt atrepairing the relationship. But if you’re truly sorry, be prepared for forgiveness to take some time.
If you’re unsure how to say “I am sorry” in a way that conveys your sincerity, here are 10 powerful ways to apologize:
1. Say it with words

Say the actual words “I’m so sorry” and then add exactly what you are sorry for. Let yourspouse know that you’re aware of the actions and words that caused the hurt. Name your crime specifically when you say “I’m sorry.”
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