Most dangerous Dog breeds – There are many factors that play a role when assigning a “danger” level to a dog but most critics and researchers disagree as to what these factors are. Consequently, it’s unfair to callously label a dog as dangerous.
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Nevertheless, it can’t be helped that some dog breeds have more potential to cause serious harm to a person if the dog were to decide to attack. Therefore, our 25 most dangerous dog breeds focuses on the potential of a dog to cause serious injury to a victim. It is important to note however that most dogs are bred with the desire to please their masters. Thus most incidents involving dogs stem from improper training and harsh ownership.
25 Most dangerous Dog breeds
25. Tosa Inu
The Inu is a massive dog with some variations weighing anywhere between 130 to 200 lbs. and can reach heights of 24.5 to 32 inches. Originally bred to be a fighting dog, it is considered dangerous and legally restricted in some countries.
American Bandogge
This incredibly strong dog is a cross breed between an American Pit Bull Terrier and a Neapolitan Mastiff. In spite of its muscular look, the dog was not originally bred for fighting. Nevertheless, some have used it as fighting dog. Also See: 10 Most evil women in history of the world – You will be shocked to see their evil deeds! (With Pictures)
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