1. Drawn Together
The first animated reality TV show first aired on Comedy Central and saw three gruesome, insensitive, painfully funny seasons. Drawn Together featured parody versions of various cartoon character archetypes. There was a musclebound but utterly useless superhero, a Legend of Zelda parody who was a closeted gay man, a 1920’s sex symbol who was considered overweight in the 2000’s, a racist princess, a promiscuous black woman, a pig (voiced by Adam Carolla) who defecated on pizzas and carried out other obscene pranks, a Japanese mouse-monster based on Pikachu, and what was supposed to poke fun at Spongebob Squarepants.
Racial humor and sex jokes were just the tip of the iceberg. There was a recurring character known only as the “Jew Producer”, an episode dedicated to a character’s handicapped cousin, abortion jokes, and casual gags about self-harm. The show was poorly received, but its fans still love it to this day. Drawn Together didn’t push the envelope, it annihilated the envelope.
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