13. You own your sexual energy.
You know that you’re a vibrational match for your real-deal Beloved when you move through your day with access to your own orgasmic energy, whether or not you have a partner. You are sourcing it from within.
Yes, the Beloved will be irresistibly attracted to your beauty, fragrance, and nectar but you are the magnificent blossom.
— Lisa Schrader
14. You’re over your last relationship.
Because I work with people primarily after painful breakups, I look for signs that anger and resentment are gone and that they have forgiven not only their ex-partner, but themselves.
To be angry at yourself is a clear sign that you are not ready to move forward. If you cannot accept where you are and who you are right now, then it’s time to make a change.
You will know that you are ready to go out there and date again when you have given up your “story” and can think about your ex with neutrality, compassion, and understanding.
— Lori Rubenstein
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