While some people dream of food quite often, others would not dream of food at all. As a rule, dreaming of food is directly related to a person’s lifestyle or eating habits. If in conscious life you pay too little attention to the food you eat, eating problems will appear in the unconscious plane. Also, it is known that people who love eating, dream about food more often than those who eat only to maintain their healthy condition.
On the other hand, dreaming of food may have some symbolic meaning. The way we eat in the dream, what we eat, how it looks like reflects our physical and psychological life in certain ways.
Eating in dreams, spiritual meaning
From the spiritual point of view, eating food in the dream does not signify any spiritual attack, at least, the Bible does not say that eating in the dream is wrong. In Mark 16:18, the Bible says that even Christians who truly believe in God drink deadly poison, it cannot harm them: “They will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well”.
When Peter was dreaming of food, he was extremely hungry. That’s why God used food to give him a revelation. Bible does not judge people who dream of food. The reason for it might consist in being hungry. If the person goes to bed with an empty stomach, the feeling of hunger in the dream might be unavoidable.
Dreaming about weapons and getting attacked is never a good dream. Having to go through any experience with weapons in real life can be incredibly traumatic, even in a controlled situation. Once a weapon is shown in a dream, things take a dark turn, and anything can happen — weapons usually represent aggression and anger.
If you get shot or are getting shot at in your dream, it usually means that you’re dealing with some sort of angry confrontation in your life. If you’re fighting with a friend or other loved one in real life, you might have a dream about getting shot in the dream. Doing the shooting or having a weapon can be equally as terrifying if you’re someone who doesn’t handle weapons in real life. If you try to hide the gun from others in your dreams, it probably means you’re hiding your aggression and anger in the waking world. If you dream about guns a lot, look at the way you and the ones you’re close to handle anger and aggression and you might figure out why you’re having these dreams.
Source: TheRichest
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