In anticipation of his birthday, Ganiyu Ayinde Oyedepo, also known as Koko Zaria or American Boy, who is affiliated with MC Oluomo and serves as the boss of Lagos NURTW, has proudly introduced his twin boys.
The controversial socialite, who became a father to the twins in December, shared a photo of himself with his boys on his Instagram page.
Expressing his excitement about his upcoming birthday, Koko Zaria wrote:
“2 days to my big day…. Can’t wait??? With my Copy Edunjobi Oba Omo @zargazer_twins”.
Additionally, Koko Zaria and his first wife, Oyindamola Olope, recently welcomed their third child. This news was reported in December.
The birth of their twins occurred nearly four years after they experienced the tragic loss of a previous set of twins.
In 2018, Koko Zaria and his first wife, Oyinda, suffered the loss of conjoined twins who were delivered at a hospital in Owoseni Mafoluku, Oshodi.
Sadly, the twins passed away within a few hours of their birth, as reported by internal sources.
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