Steamy reasons you and your lover should shower together – You can turn the heat up without ever touching the shower dial. The movies out there have taught us over the years that every shower scene turns into steamy SEX shower within seconds. Of course, movies forget to mention some important things that can either make it into a fantastic experience or wonder why on Earth would someone portray it like that in a movie when the reality is so different.
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Apart from the sexual portion, showering as a couple has other immense benefits — and no, we’re not just talking about saving on water.
Here’re 5 reasons you should get sudsy together instead of solo:
1. It brings you closer as a couple.

Yes, you may be sleeping in the same bed and sharing your lives, but there’s something about showering together that brings you closer and allows you to discover your partner’s body in a completely different way. To make it even better, there are plenty of ways to spice up your shower rituals together so you look forward to it EVERY. SINGLE. MORNING.
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