3. Roman Reigns – 2015
One would figure that one year after the big debacle of having Batista winning the Rumble (we’ll cover that later), that they would get it right this time. Instead Vince took a huge swing and whiffed once again.
A great majority of the WWE fans are smart and know when something is getting shoved down their throats. That someone was clearly Roman Reigns. While Reigns is a great talent, the way he was being presented as John Cena 2.0 made people get tired of him.
Once Daniel Bryan was unceremoniously eliminated from this match, the writing was on the wall that Vince’s golden boy was going to win. It became even more apparent when the final four competitors were Big Show, Kane, Rusev, and Reigns.
Rusev was a much hated heel and the crowd was cheering for him to win over Reigns. They brought out The Rock to raise Reigns’ hand and get the crowd to cheer, and that didn’t even work.
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