Cars only “Douchebags” love to drive – Everyone knows that guy who drives around town, not because he has some place to be, but because he has something to show everyone— and that thing is his car. And that guy is a douchebag. Pronouns here shouldn’t count. Believe it to be true that douchebags are not only found in the male population, but they are found all over to be sure.
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So too are their cars found all over. There are common threads to certain types of douchebaggery, dependent on social status, class, financial stability, degree of douchebaggery, and so on.
One might find that there are many “poor man’s” versions of cars like the Porsche Boxster, being the poor man’s Porsche 911, but make no mistake: both are certainly pricey, and both still belong to a vast number of douchebags worldwide.
This is not to say that all who drive the cars listed below are, in fact, douchebags, but one’s overall likelihood for douchebaggery certainly increases with the purchase of any single, and certainly collective, purchases of the cars found below.
13. BMW 3 Series
According to the Wall Street Journal, who have both American and British studies to back this up, BMW drivers are among the biggest douchebags on the road, and not for the same reason a tricked out, jacked up Civic driver is. No, for the more dangerous reasoning of being more likely to continue driving when a pedestrian has entered a sidewalk that they have the right of way on.
Apparently all it takes is forty thousand dollars to purchase a BMW 3 Series, and care just a little less about humanity than one might have before.
Also, apparently male BMW drivers between the ages of thirty five and fifty are more likely to engage in road-raging activities like yelling, swearing, revving, putting the pedal down, and not giving a toss about who’s in the way.
So that being said, when next you see a BMW gunning for an intersection as you stroll the crosswalk, do pick up the pace, because statistics say the driver will likely not stop to wait for you. Not poor enough to not want his car damaged, and not spending enough on his to not want his car damaged, the BMW douche isn’t above getting his hood dirty.
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