Former Aviation Minister Femi Fani Kayode (FFK) took to social media to celebrate his ex-wife Precious reuniting with their children after a lengthy custody battle.
Femi Fani Kayode allegedly barred his ex-wife Precious from seeing their children while they were fighting custody in court, and she frequently takes to social media to plead for justice because she simply wants to see her children.
Guess her wish to see her children was finally granted, and Femi Fani Kayode took to social media to celebrate and let the world know that his ex-wife, whom he had been preventing from seeing their children, had finally reunited with the child at a playground.
From the video he shared, you could really see that the kids had missed their mother a lot the same way she has missed them too as they seem to be all over each other while they catch up on lost moments at the playground.
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