There is a lot to think about as you begin your journey into being a college student. You might use resources like this list from Nuwber to choose one of the safest schools to attend, and you might also consider where your friends will be going to school if you really want to be able to attend with them, sharing classes and possibly a dorm room too. But one of the most important decisions that you will make is what you will major in. Although you might assume this is easy to do, it is actually surprisingly difficult for a lot of young adults. So, keep reading for a few tips on how you can decide.
Consider What You Like and Are Passionate About
When it is time to choose a major, consider what you already enjoy. For instance, are you passionate about helping others, do you aspire to run your own company someday, or do you love getting in front of a crowd? Perhaps you took some classes in high school that made you realize how much you love the arts, math, science, etc. Or, you might have volunteered and felt so good about it that you want to do more to support communities. By thinking about what you are passionate about, and where you can use your talents to bring about good things for others, you might find it a lot easier to figure out what your major should be.
Consider Job Outlooks and Opportunities
Another thing to think about is whether or not there are going to be enough job openings available in the field that you are interested in pursuing. For example, you might do some research and find that more teachers are needed in K-12 schools, and if you like kids and education, you might opt to declare a major that will give you the skills you need to enter the classroom as a teacher. On the other hand, you might be thinking about a particular career path only to find that the job outlook for that field is actually poor and your job opportunities will be limited as a result. If you want to be able to find a job easily when you graduate, these are important details to keep in mind when declaring a major, so do your research and get the information you need to make the right choice.
Ask Yourself How Much You Want to Earn
Money isn’t everything, and a job’s salary does not dictate how happy you will be in that position. You might even know people who have well-paying jobs but don’t enjoy going to work every day. Keeping all of that in mind, you might still decide to use salary expectations to find your way, and you can access salary information quite easily online too. Just remember that, if you hope to earn a higher salary, you might need to pursue a master’s degree or a doctorate, so it’s wise to determine if your bachelor’s degree alone will be enough to help you reach your financial aspirations.
Remember, You Could Always Switch Majors
When it comes to declaring a major in college, you might feel a little nervous about doing so. But the truth is that you could always switch to a different major at any point in your college career if you decide that the major you chose isn’t actually right for you. Therefore, there is no need to feel so much pressure. And, sometimes, you just need to take a few courses in a subject area to figure out if it is truly a career path you want to pursue.
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