3. Wear very interesting items (or have interesting features).If you’re familiar with peacocking, you know you can wear items that will get you attention from girls. Often this can lead to women touching the item – e.g., I not infrequently will have women touch the Tibetan mandala pendant I described wearing in the article on fashion for men. Some women also like to touch big muscles, or interesting hairstyles, or attractive facial hair – it depends on the girl’s tastes. But the more interesting your style, look, features, and accessories, the more touching you will tend to get by pure default.
The only one of these that’s close to 100% consistent and fully in your control is #1, of course – but all three are good.
And when women start touching you, they start advancing the connection, conversation, and interaction with you themselves… which of course makes life for you a whole lot easier.
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