9. Grotesque
Grotesque is a Japanese movie written and directed by Koji Shiraishi and had resulted into a considerably high level of horror and storm. The movie is themed on psycho killer and torturer who kidnaps innocent people and kills them for his pleasure; much of the shock for the acute representation of violence is because the movie does not have anything in it besides violence. In the beginning a couple is shown sitting in a cafe and talking about their future together, in the very next scene the same couple is shown shackled in what seems like a basement with white plastered walls. The main character is introduced who is a doctor as apparent from his dealing with his victims’ wounds; he starts cutting and chopping their body parts out one by one as he cuts off their fingers, hauls out the man’s eyeball, cuts off the girl’s leg and man’s genitals. He rapes them in front of each other and later treats them to health. He tells them that he acquires extreme pleasure from torturing them and in one of the most disturbing scenes he rapes the man in his eye socket too. In the final scene he pulls out the intestine of the man while keeping the girl on the other side of the room, he tells the man to reach and save the girl which results in his heavy bleeding and death. The thing which makes the respective film all the more appalling is that it does not have any storyline, character development, the motive of the killer and even the name of the doctor is unknown. The bizarre surrounding, wacky personality of the doctor and the lifelike torture scenes fuel up the disturbing effect of the movie.
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