4. You Encourage His Dreams And Ambitions
Another great tip on how to be a good wife is to make sure that you respect and encourage your man’s dreams and ambitions. In fact, rather than tell him he’s being silly and that he needs to be rational and work 9-5 all his life just to give you security, you need to encourage him to follow his dreams.
Naturally, you should be sensible about all this. If his dream means that he’s going to make you both homeless, you need to talk things over with him. But never dampen his dreams by ordering him to “get real.”
5. You Have Interests and Ambition
Traditionally, guys have always been the leaders in relationships. They are the ones who go to work and forge careers, whilst we stay at home to cook and look after the little ones. Things have definitely changed by 2015, and more women than ever before have careers. SEE ALSO: 7-Step guide to getting the sweetest revenge on your lame Ex
And this is a good thing. Guys now want you to show some interests and ambitions of your own. Rather than follow him around the house with your brush and spade, they want you to get out there and make something of yourself. They want you to have your own interests and hobbies and be able to express your talents.
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