Pokemon, everyone’s favorite cockfighting game, was tremendously inspired when it first came out. The creators took familiar animals and gave them exceptional abilities. Dogs were not listless house pets with insatiable appetites, but 350 pound, 6’3” majestic beasts that galloped across the land. Birds were not just stupid things whose shrill cries waken you in the morning, but giant swooping sky creatures that could whisk you across the land of Kanto.
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When the second edition of Pokemon came out, people were still excited about it. Not only did the creators add some new evolutions (onix into steelix), but they also introduced prevolutions (pichu) and added a whole bunch of new Pokemon made of animals no one had thought to mythologize (mareep, the electric sheep; girafarig, the psychic giraffe.)
But, as with every compelling concept, Pokemon got tired. Where once Pokemon were based only on things that appeared in nature or in fantasy, they became increasingly based off of man-made creations. We forgave the creators for steel Pokemon, because although steel is processed, it still sufficiently evokes the tough, untreated underground for there to be a Pokemon form of it. But making Pokemon out of obviously factory-made things is an insult to our suspension of disbelief.
Not that the creators meant to laugh in the face of loyal consumers, but companies will go to hilarious extremes to reinvigorate a once-profitable idea.
10. Garbodor
via fyeahcontroversialcharacters.tumblr.com
“This Pokemon is a pile of garbage.” Contrary to what you might think, those aren’t the words of some punk-ass kid unhappy with the new generation of Pokemon, it’s some punk ass kid describing Garbodor to his buddy. That’s right: Garbodor is the garbage Pokemon. Its pokédex description in Pokemon Black, where it first appears, says: “It clenches opponents with its left arm and finishes them off with foul-smelling poison gas belched from its mouth.” Two of its abilities are stench, which gives it 10% chance of getting a critical hit, and aftermath, which hurts the Pokemon who deals a death blow to it. What a jerk.
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