13. Jillian Cini
Oh, Jillian Cini. Yet another girl who goes for the sideways boob shot on her profile. Well, she has got to be young and impressionable. She violated her parole, showing that she was already a bad girl in the first place. Seriously, this young woman looks like a serious piece of work. The over-tweezed eyebrows, the super-straightened hair, the low-cut tank and push-bra (in pink, nonetheless…) What are we supposed to think, Jillian Cini? What do you want us to think of you? You may be cute, but you are a very bad girl, indeed. Although you get bonus points for the lava lamp in your photo.
12. Andrea McCormick
Here is a burglary charge, and the culprit may be someone that you would readily invite into your house. This Andrea McCormick is a real looker. Her ombre hair goes from blonde to brown. Her eyes are the luscious creaminess of a brown-eyed girl, and her smile looks meek and pretty. But she must have made some drastically poor decisions in her life, and thus, she is spending time behind bars. Such a shame; Andrea McCormick looks so young and energetic! Why do these young women do this to themselves!? Why? Apparently, Andrea is looking for someone “generous, compassionate, caring, and nonjudgmental.”
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