3. Flight Attendant
What some of us will do to fly on a plane and be in a new destination every day is beyond me. If you haven’t noticed, most flight attendants are young. It is not common to see one with gray hair and although they are out there, I bet they have a story or two to tell.
Being up in the air involves meeting new people and depending on how secure your husband is, long periods of time without you can make him reconsider the marriage. Get used to passengers hitting on you and having limited time to see the places that your plane lands on.
We spend over 40 hours a week on the job and being unhappy with your career can put a monkey wrench in your marriage. Your work might simply become your life and your husband might be number 2 on your priority list. With so many people in one space on a plane, if you don’t eat healthy, you may also get sick a lot. How would your spouse feel if the times that you are home, you are coughing and blowing your nose?
Imagine what he is thinking when you are telling him on the phone about your exotic destinations when he is holding down the fort at home without you.
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