Once you pay your fees, you will be issued receipts. One of these receipts will contain a unique tracking number that you will use to track the status of your application online.
Using the unique tracking number in your receipt, track the status of your application by entering the number on this page.
A temporary resident visa to Canada takes 14 days to process.
Once you receive notification from the Government of Canada requesting your passport, you can submit the passport and that request letter either in person at the CVAC or by courier to the CVAC address (see above). Note that you will be required to pay passport transmission service charge of $31.86 (N4,950) at any GTBank counter to these details:
- Account number: 0109515451
Note that you will enclose the payment for passport transmission along with the passport. Once the proof is received, your passport will be forwarded to The Deputy High Commission of Canada, Lagos.
Also enclose a self-addressed courier return envelope along with your passport if you want your passport to be mailed back to you once it’s ready.
Once your passport is ready for retrieval you will be notified. You can either pick up the passport in person or send a self-addressed courier return envelope with your passport and request letter.
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