A Ghanaian man named Felix Owusu Okyere came under fire on social media for sharing images of a woman with mental impairment that he claimed to be his mother.
People who felt for them on social media sent Felix money and presents under the impression that they were celebrating his mother.
However, soon after, information about how he is actually a scammer whose business model depends on similar posts started to surface.
Odehe Bi, a Facebook user, claimed Felix was a thief whose family was still haggling with him to make good on the laptops he had stolen from him.
“After negotiations are being made for your family to pay for the laptops and cash you stole from my company, you haven’t ended it there. Today you’re posting in a Facebook group that your mum is mad. When did your mother become mad?
back to normal, and she’s still in that same old dirty clothes? You that you’re the mad man of your family and they’re trying possible ways to cure you.
You’re using a mad woman now for your atrocities? Seeking donations for a mad woman isn’t the problem, but saying she’s your mum when she’s actually not even your family member, is the problem.
It’s sad and pathetic that she won’t even get those donated monies at the end. You’ll use it for yourself. Who uses a mad person of another family to make posts and seeks donations and all that? Since you’re using a mad person to your own benefit, you’ll get mad at the end. Whatever made her mad, will come to you surely someday soon.
Madness isn’t something to make lies about and claim sympathy for. You’re indirectly telling nature that you want to take this woman’s burden of madness. Nature will surely grant you. Keep on!!”
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