- The Low Self-Esteem Wife:
Whether we accept it or not, we all need some form of validation, it does something to our psyche especially in a loving relationship or marriage. And when a woman gets married to a man who takes her and the marriage for granted, and he suddenly does not see the sexy and attractive woman he married anymore, but just a mother, a housekeeper and someone who keeps the family running smoothly. The woman might soon start feeling she is no longer sexy, beautiful or desirable, and before long, her self-esteem is in the gutter. Then she becomes a sitting duck for another man who compliments her, shows interest in her emotionally, tells her constantly that she is beautiful, looks at her and sees something other than just a mother, a housekeeper and a wife. A woman who had sunk into the level of low self-esteem may find herself willing to throw caution to the wind in order to find the validation she needs and she’s not getting in the marriage.
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