2. What!!! A 44-minute long video? (The shorter the merrier, my dear)
If her PR team were qualified professionals, they should have known that too much talk was one of the biggest threats to crisis communication. In fact, I would have wondered why even a 5-minute long video if at all it must be a video! In a sane country with a sane system, her too much talk in the bid to further exonerate herself and make TeeBillz the bad guy has landed her career in a massive doom. To bring back TeeBillz’s drinking habit and the alleged cocaine use is a ground of mere unreasonableness. Are brands and fans meant to congratulate ‘you’ for condoning, conniving and colluding with a partner who had been on the illegal side of the law for many years? Not to even say that connivance and collusion is a crime on the part of the law within marital issues. Yes, TeeBillz was unreasonable and also guilty for bringing back Tiwa’s alleged affairs with the three music stars since the law suggests that once you had condoned the action, it should not form basis for any further allegation. But, what Tiwa’s PR team failed to realize was that TeeBillz wasn’t a brand ambassador. Now, our supposed brand ambassador is also known as someone who condoned, connived and colluded with an alleged cocaine addict. What a shame! Hopefully, TeeBillz will not charge her for maligning his character, and then a part of the career and emotional distraction begins. Hopefully again, she is still a responsible brand ambassador after covering one of the world’s biggest criminal acts. What an insensitive charlatans called professional PR team.
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