#4 Don’t spend time with them. Stop hanging out with them. If they’re your friend, then you’re going to need to stop being around them. I know, it’s a hard thing to do, but you need to take a break from their company until you feel that you’ve moved on. Until then, it’s only going to be torture to see their faces every day. Remember, you need to do this for you.
#5 Focus on other friends and family. Focus on the people that love you. This means you should spend more time with friends and family who’ll support you through this time. Whenever you’re feeling vulnerable or emotional, hang out with your friends and family. They’ll keep you on track and focused on why you’re doing this.
#6 Fight the urges. You’re going to want to text them and see what’s up or like their photos on Facebook. Resist the urge! Why would you invest your time talking to someone who doesn’t like you in the way you want them to? You need to fight all the urges when it comes to talking to them. Don’t say hi, don’t call them, don’t like their photos on social media, don’t do anything.
#7 Stop all contact with them. You’re going to have to do this. I know it’s going to be really hard, but it’s the only way to get over them. You need to stop contacting them.
This means you need to delete them from all social media and do not do anything that’ll get their attention. Liking their photos or texting them will not help you get over them.
#8 Use your spare time in positive ways. You now have much more spare time for yourself. Don’t waste it by sitting in front of your phone staring at photos of them or sitting on the couch helplessly binge-watching Netflix. Instead, use this time for yourself. Do things that you always wanted to do or hobbies that you enjoy. Just use this time to focus on you.
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