- After all the amazing reviews, here are some of the side effects of this drug. When taken in the middle of the menstrual cycle, the preparation may inhibit ovulation, which is considered moderating dangerous.
- This morning after pill is able to cause changes in the menstrual cycle in the lady who took this drug. Your next period could start earlier or later than expected and flow can be lighter or heavier than is usually normal.
- This pill has the ability to cause nauseating feeling which occurs in approximately 25% of users of this drug vomiting.
- It has the ability to bring about bleeding disturbances in some cases, 2-3 days following tablet ingestion.
- In some cases, though few reported ones, this drug may cause breast tenderness, headache, dizziness, fatigue in the user.
- In several reported cases, the next period usually starts as expected or somewhat earlier, if the period is more than 7 days late, we advice you to go for a pregnancy test.
- In case of prolonged or heavy bleeding, gynaecological examinations is advised and highly recommended. Please your health is much more important than trying to hide a pregnancy.
- If the user has a reported case of asthma, heart failure, hypertension, migraine, epilepsy, renal impairment, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidaemia, depression, and / or stroke, the preparation may be used exclusively in the above mentioned emergency cases. it is not appropriate for regular ingestion of this medication.
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