Popular comedian, Cute Abiola, has recounted his arrest by the Nigerian Navy for posting his pictures on social media in uniform.
The comedian revealed that it has been exactly a year since the sad incident occurred.
He acknowledged that he had learned a lot in the process and appreciated the opportunity he was given by the state government to serve in public office.
He said:
“Today being 16th November 2022 makes it exactly one year I was arrested and detained by the Nigerian Navy for violating the Force Social Media Regulation, by posting my pictures on social media while on uniform.
I recalled this voyage with longing memories and I agreed that the torments of those times were efforts by the Navy to prepare me for the numerous tasks ahead.
Now, the lessons learnt and experience gathered are propelling me towards actualizing my dreams. It’s really a moment to remember.
ONWARD TOGETHER. Hon. Abdulgafar Ahmed Abiola. SSA To kwara state governor on creative industries.”
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