Instagram Rules : Sure, Instagram might seem like a place to express yourself and share the things you love with friends and family, but it is not. For college girls, it is a place dictated by unspoken dos and don’ts to follow blindly. Who initially decided that we must not post four pictures of the beach in a row? Who knows, but we’re sure as hell not going to do it.
1. You can post a maximum of one Instagram per day. Exceptions can be made for major life events like weddings, graduations, and avocado toast.
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2. Do not over-edit your posts. Everyone knows what those weird squiggly lines are from on the wall behind your butt, Bethany. J-Lo doesn’t even look like that. Stop.
3. You can only post an Instagram with a Significant Other (or “bae”) if you are actually official. No, 3 AM texts asking “r u up” do not count, even if they sometimes text you the next day.
4. You can only post selfies if you are showcasing a drastically new look, like bangs.
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