4. Yes, cramps really do hurt that much
Speaking as a woman here, cramps are horrible. They can completely ruin a woman’s day, to the point where some women can’t even function for the entire time. However, don’t take my word for it, take the words of the 21 women who talked to Buzzfeed about what it’s like when Aunt Flo comes to visit:
“It feels like the worst burrito-gas in your entire life, every waking hour, for three to seven days. Who knows how long it will last? It can be sharp, stabby, dull, achy feeling in your abdomen, or in your back. Then you get rivulets of blood complete with chunks for three to seven days. Tampon? Pad? Cup? Have fun choosing your weapon.”
“Pretend someone filled up a large water balloon inside your pelvis, about two inches below your navel, that slowly leaks its fluid with the end still tied over a five-day span. Yes, it gets painful. Yes, you have to use the bathroom a WHOLE lot more — or at least it feels like it and then *false alarm* you actually don’t. Other than that, it feels very wet and uncomfortable in places you’d prefer to keep dry and don’t get me started on the extra time it takes to maintain yourself and clean up…”
Men, try not to dismiss when a woman talks about her cramps, because chances are, she’s not exaggerating.
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