13. Miley Cyrus
No surprise here really, but yeah, Miley Cyrus likes her some naughty action! Especially if she can watch it with her latest boy toy. Even so, Miley does have some outspoken opinions about watching . She says that men definitely watch it too much, and use it in an unhealthy manner. After all, the women in most flicks are not even representative of real life women. It can really set guys up for false expectations and then feeling low once they actually do engage in real sexual intercourse. Nice job for speaking up about this topic, Miley! Finally, we agree with something she says.
12. Lily Allen
Singer Lily Allen actually has a pretty good point here. She admitted that she watches it on occasion, but then backed it up with this crunchy nugget: when you travel to other countries, it can be hard to find something to watch and enjoy on the TV. I suppose it’s one type of entertainment that doesn’t really need a language, so it seems like the perfect thing to watch! Granted, you have to be in the right mood and mindset for it, but we totally understand what Lily is saying…if you are performing in South Korea and just don’t understand the Asian variety shows, at least you will understand the love making!
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